Book Your Free 20 Min Call with April


She will help you identify the obstacles that are preventing your growth and create a clear roadmap to success. Together as a team, we’ll uncover the strategies and mindset shifts you need to level up and achieve your business goals.

And you’ll do it together with a team of other business owners and leaders behind you. Success doesn’t need to be a solo sport. Lock arms with a team of people who care just as much about your success as you do.

Don’t let self-sabotage hold you back.

Let’s unlock your full potential and have some fun in the process!

In PivotMe Academy learn:

  • Define Your Vision: Create focus and set goals based on what you want to achieve, not where you are at. Learn how to untether yourself from your current circumstances.  Finally live the life you’ve worked so hard for. The life you earned.
  • Reset Your Mindset: Master your mindset and sack self-sabotage (we ALL self sabotage and I’ll show you how YOU do it and what to do about it). Learn easy steps to reset your brain and position you for more success. 
  • Create Leverage on Yourself: This will help propel you closer to your goals. I will help you learn how to motivate yourself, learn if you’re motivated by pain or by pleasure and how to use those feelings to achieve your big, hairy audacious goals (BHAGs). 
  • Multiply Your Productivity: Get 3X more work done in less time so that you can optimize the other areas of your life, still deliver great results, and spend more time with the people that matter, doing the things you love.
  • Reap The Rewards: Reach your highest potential without the risk of burnout and misery - sacrifice is not the price of admission to success. There is another way, I’ve helped thousands of people do it, and I’ll show you how.
  • Find Your Tribe: Interact with like-minded, high-performing and REAL people.  Their successes will propel you forward.  Your wins will help make them better too.  When you are intentional about designing your peer group, your goals no longer feel so far away.  This is CRUCIAL to shortcutting success.
  • Create Time for Your Health: Don’t only eat at your desk or on the go. Productivity and High Performance habits will give you time for leisurely lunches and gym sessions. 


Learn how to implement performance habits that will give you the edge – without more hours in the office. 




You’ll discover how to access the cutting-edge tools and goal-crushing strategies adopted by some of the most successful entrepreneurs and business leaders in the world.


AND joining you will be other like-minded entrepreneurs and business builders who are serious about leveling up their success and scaling down stress.


Book a Free 20 Minutes Call to learn more about the PivotMe Academy. April’s weekly video calls tap into a powerful network of like-minded individuals. Each week is a combination of expertise, ideas, feedback, and exercises.

The best part? Honest insight and camaraderie from people that don’t work with you, for you, or depend on you. As leaders, we need that space.

It’s time to redefine success and let go of the old ways of thinking. With our proven framework, you can have more, without “doing more,” and you can do it with a team of people behind you.

One of the keys to success is surrounding yourself with like-minded people who are on the same journey as you. Our community provides a space for you to connect with high-performing individuals who understand your goals and can offer support along the way.

We’ll establish best practices, success principles, high-performing habits, and provide you with the tools to master your mindset.

Listen to learn what makes Masterminds so successful, or if you’d like to know more about the PivotMe Masterminds we run each week, schedule your free 20 minute call.


Masterminds give you the power of expertise, connection, vulnerability, and – perhaps most important- accountability!

Click to read April’s latest articles on Masterminds and the 5 Ways They Improve Your Life