
3x More Work Done in Less Hours a Day

The breakthrough digital course giving people back hours in their day!

Iā€™m ready to MultiplyMe!

We all have more to do than can possibly be done.

  • Overwhelm.  You never have enough time

  • Distraction. To the point of inaction

  • Stressed. Working weekends and missing the good stuff

  • Unhealthy. Skipping lunch and workouts

  • Guilt. Missing your kids practice

  • Disappointment. Know you deliver better, if you had more time

  • Frustrated. Constantly in reactive mode

  • You never have enough time

You have goals to accomplish, but there is so much to do.

You have the same hours as high performers, like Warren Buffet and Tony Robbins, but can’t produce at their level.

You know there is more you could contribute, but you are already so busy and sacrifice so much.

You want to perform at your best, but you are also tired of missing out on the rest of your life.

How did I get it all wrong?

I'm April Garcia. An international business adviser, performance coach, and host of the PivotMe podcast. I've made large companies larger and rich people richer. 

But just a few years ago, I was stressed, overwhelmed, and in a pattern of self-sabotage I didn’t recognize. 

I believed the key to success was working—A LOT. I was the first one in my office and the last one out. I rarely left my desk, which had a coffee pot sitting next to it. Coffee's for closers, and I was a closer. I rarely ate lunch unless it was part of a meeting. I loved work, but I had zero balance. There was too much to get done. I had been an athlete previously, but I ignored my health in the pursuit of success. 

The stress took a toll on my body, though I’d deny it. It started as ulcers, then worsened. I ended up in the hospital on an IV trying to control the problem unable to eat. I thought I could make up for lost time once I was successful enough. I was convinced success required late nights and endless to do lists. 

I was wrong. 

This pattern really became a problem when I became a parent. I wanted to be very involved in my kids' lives. I knew I had to find another solution.

That’s when I discovered how to get 3 times as much done while working fewer hours.

How? I’m going to show you.

Because I’ve been through it, because I’ve helped so many others through it, I knew I had to show others how it was done. MultiplyMe is top performers, business owners, and executives get more done in one day than many can in a week. A framework you can use every day to be more productive and leave work on time.  

And, it’s not going to take you hours to master. It’s going to take you minutes. Think about it, investing minutes to gain back hours of your life. 

How much is that time worth to you? To me, it was worth everything.

If you’re ready to multiply your productivity, get back hours of your day, and change your life, then this course is for you. Take back your time.

Everyone wants to know how to get more done in a day, be incredibly successful, live up to your full potential, and still have time for a life outside of the office.

You know time management is vital to getting the right stuff done, but don't know how to leverage it or have the right tools.

Held back by distractions and competing priorities, or even your own limiting beliefs.

You may even believe that success requires 12-hour workdays and a never-ending task list.

You spend so much time chasing the dream rather than living the dream.

You are giving up time with our family and friends and miss out on the good stuff. You are telling yourself a story that it has to be this way. You have to be this busy. You have to work this much to succeed.     

There is another way. It’s time to start living a new story.    

Dollars and Cents. What if you brought in a Productivity Consultant or Coach? They bill between $500-$1,000+ per hour. 

But what if you could have one speaking to you from your laptop or phone?   

You need more time. And we can give it to you.  

If you could get back just 5 hours in your week, what would that be worth to you?  

Before I tell you about this life-changing framework...

Who this is really for?

Someone who wants...

  • Massive Goals. Someone with massive goals and wants to knock them out of the park, but it’s hard to prioritize them over the noise of the day-to-day.

  • High Performer Secrets. Someone who sees what the High Performers are doing, the  amount they produce and contribute, and want to know-how.

  • Need More Time.  A busy professional who wants to get more important things done but can’t seem to find the time.  There is no doubt you are capable of so much more but don’t want one more thing on your to-do list.

  • Battling Distraction. Someone battling with distraction, from your phone, team, partner, or kids—but knows things still need to get done. So you are looking for a more efficient way to handle your day.

  • Business & Household. You are running a business and a household, and you want to find a better way to move the needle at work and also spend quality time with your family.

You’re in the right place and I’m going to share exactly how MultiplyM® will give you the framework, tools, and mindset to handle your day, get 3x the work done, without working more hours.  You’ve earned this life.

Now have the time to enjoy it.

Hours of your life back 

By using MultiplyMe, many executives, entrepreneurs, and even parents have gained back hours of their life every week.

Direction and Accomplishment

Forget going home worried about what’s waiting for you at work tomorrow. MultiplyMe means you leave the office each day with a sense of accomplishment and direction.

Freedom to Live the Life You’ve Earned

You work hard everyday to perform and succeed. You’ve earned the right to enjoy uninterrupted time with family, friends or even yourself.

What is Your Time Worth?

When you use the MultiplyMe framework, you immediately  get; MORE TIME. 

  • More present in your life. Less distracted. Performing at your best.  
  • It is a habit, you will practice it, and every day you will become better at it. 
  • Sitting with your friends having drinks because you got the critical work done at the office.  
  • You will be front row to the dance recital because you didn’t show up last minute. 
  • Yes you will be at the cabin this weekend, and riding up with your family—because you got off work at 3 pm like you said. 
  • Imagine an organized day that you are owning. You have mastered distractions and laser-focused on what needs to get done. You crush your to-do list and don’t get pulled into tasks and projects that aren’t a good fit for your time. 
  • You leave the office on time, so you can show up and enjoy the rest of your life.

How Much is Your Time Worth? 

Knock out your to-do list

Master  distraction

Multiply your 


Get back hours of your day

Take back your time and enjoy the life you Earned


Learn how to Multiply You

What you’ll get…

  • 10 video modules packed with information and hacks you use RIGHT AWAY to take back your time.
  • 10 free worksheets to help you make the MultiplyMe method your own.
  • Tools you can use every day to fully leverage the MultiplyMe method from the PivotMe Academy.

How to get 3x the work done, in less hours a day.

Iā€™m ready to MultiplyMe!

Learn actionable steps you can take today to multiply your productivity and work fewer hours. These steps take less than 10 minutes a day—that’s it! 

Get at least 3x as much done without spending more time in the office. 

Hack your time and productivity so you can do the other things you really love doing. Making 12-hour days the exception, not the rule. 

By the end of this course, you will be able to own your to-do list instead of it owning you. You’ll be more present in your life and less distracted. And, you can kiss grown-up FOMO goodbye.

Imagine your business revenue still rapidly growing, your career better than ever, and you are taking Fridays off to go boating.

Never missing a holiday, a soccer practice, or going to the mountains with your family on the weekend. Yes you can meet your friends for an afternoon ride! 

Leave the office on time and feel productive when you do!  Have time to enjoy the life you earned.

Learn actionable steps you can take today to multiply your productivity and work fewer hours. These steps take less than 10 minutes a day—that’s it! 

Get at least 3x as much done without spending more time in the office. 

Hack your time and productivity so you can do the other things you really love doing. Making 12-hour days the exception, not the rule. 

By the end of this course, you will be able to own your to-do list instead of it owning you. You’ll be more present in your life and less distracted. And, you can kiss grown-up FOMO goodbye.

Imagine your business revenue still rapidly growing, your career better than ever, and you are taking Fridays off to go boating.

Never missing a holiday, a soccer practice, or going to the mountains with your family on the weekend. Yes, you can meet your friends for an afternoon ride! 

Leave the office on time and feel productive when you do!  Have time to enjoy the life you earned.

Own your to-do list instead of it owning you. 

Be more present in your life and less distracted. And, you can kiss grown-up FOMO goodbye.

Imagine your business revenue still rapidly growing, staff morale higher than ever, and you are taking Fridays off to go boating

Never missing a holiday, soccer practice, or going to the mountains because you had too much work at the office. 

Enjoy an exceptional life, with a thriving career and still spend the long weekends skiing.

You Don’t Have to Work More Hours to Get More Done

Don’t let the Time Hijackers steal hours in your day

Many of us thought that the only way to perform at our best, and get more done, was to work long hours. We sacrificed our health, hobbies, and relationships just trying to get ahead and get it all done. 

If you feel like you aren’t growing or producing as fast as you could. But you are also busy ALL THE TIME, but not moving the needle the way you know you could-- you are right. 

If you’ve looked at other higher performers and thought “How do they do it?”  If you’ve thought “there must be another way?”  Well you are right. And once you know how, it will change your life. 

What You Will Get

10 modules, 10 worksheets Lifetime of value and impact on your to-do list, schedule and your life.

This breakthrough digital course is on-demand so you can power through it in one weekend or do 1 module a day for 10 days. Go at your pace.

The Worksheets are pdfs- so  you can keep using them for every season of your life. Fill out on your computer or tablet or print them for quick reference.

Lifetime access to the course and all the future upgrades.

Not ready to commit? 

I get it. That's okay, we have options.



Free mini digital course

Available Now!

Give me my 4 STEPS Free Videos!

What is Your Time Worth?

When you use the MultiplyMe framework, you immediately get; MORE TIME. 

  • More present in your life. Less distracted. Performing at your best.  
  • It is a habit, you will practice it, and every day you will become better at it. 
  • Sitting with your friends having drinks because you got the critical work done at the office.  
  • You will be front row to the dance recital because you didn’t show up last minute. 
  • Yes you will be at the cabin this weekend, and riding up with your family—because you got off work at 3 pm like you said. 
  • Imagine an organized day that you are owning. You have mastered distractions and laser-focused on what needs to get done. You crush your to-do list and don’t get pulled into tasks and projects that aren’t a good fit for your time. 
  • You leave the office on time, so you can show up and enjoy the rest of your life.

By the end of this course you will:

Be More Productive

Apply the framework every day to be more productive and leave the office on time, and the best part? Feel accomplished!

Only Minutes to Get Back Hours

It won’t take hours to master, only minutes each day. Think about it, you can invest minutes to gain back hours of your life.

Take Back Your Time

Hours you could spend with family or friends, finally picking up a guitar, mountain biking, traveling—have the freedom to live the life you’ve EARNED.


Digital Course with the best time management & productivity hacks that top performers and business leaders use to get more done without working more hours.

Success Stories

Prioritized Day Better

Gained clarity and focus on which activities to focus on to accomplish my goals.

Sydney, Australia

Do More in Less Time

April's framework was exactly what I was looking for and learning prioritization is what I needed.      



She taught me how to create my system to be able to reach my goals…. I feel inspired, uplifted, and focused.                                            


Created Focus

I was focused on the wrong things and I was struggling… Now I have the focus and accountability I need to succeed.

San Juan, Puerto Rico
Enroll Now

Take Back Your Time

      • You do have time
      • Yes it really works.
      • No this is not another difficult strategy that is hard to execute
      • MultiplyMe® is an easy framework to be more effective daily, but in less time.
      • You won’t have to read more books, buy more journals or download another app. We tell you EXACTLY how to do it.
      • Don’t leave your schedule to chance. Don’t hope you will have more time when things calm down.
      • Don’t miss one more dinner date, dance recital.
      • Perform at your best but in less time.


Take Back Your Time

  • You do have time
  • Yes it really works.
  • No this is not another difficult strategy that is hard to execute
  • MultiplyMe is an easy framework to be more effective daily, but in less time.
  • You won’t have to read more books, buy more journals or download another app. We tell you EXACTLY how to do it.
  • Don’t leave your schedule to chance. Don’t hope you will have more time when things calm down.
  • Don’t miss one more dinner date, dance recital.
  • Perform at your best but in less time.

Client Testimonials

Because here is the truth, we know what happens if we don’t change. Because we’ve already lived it, it will just get harder.  Overwhelmed by our to-do list. Getting pulled down rabbit trails in the office, and losing hours to Time Hijackers.

Feeling an intense urge to deliver great results, but wishing you could do it without missing out on the other areas of your life. 

Torn on leaving the office on time, and getting all our work done. Being late to dance recitals and more missed calls... 

We get it. We’ve been there.  And now we want to show you there is another way.



Let's Be Real

Because here is the truth, we know what happens if we don’t change. Because we’ve already lived it, it will just get harder.  Overwhelmed by our to-do list. Getting pulled down rabbit trails in the office, and losing hours to Time Hijackers.

Feeling an intense urge to deliver great results, but wishing you could do it without missing out on the other areas of your life. 

Torn on leaving the office on time, and getting all our work done. Being late to dance recitals and more missed calls... 

We get it. We’ve been there.  And now we want to show you there is another way.

Not ready to commit? 

I get it. That's okay, we have options.



Free mini digital course

Available Now!

Give me my 4 STEPS Free Videos!


I see your drive. Your ability. And your struggle. 

I also see that you aren’t sure how to get to the next level of success without sacrificing more time. I see that you are tired of working the long hours, but don’t see another way to perform at your best. I see the text message from your spouse asking again when you’ll be home tonight, but knowing there is still so much to get done.

And I know, I can help.


About April Garcia

International Business Adviser, Performance Coach, and speaker on Strategy and Mindset. She is the host of April Garcia’s PivotMe® podcast and creator of the breakthrough digital course on Time Management & Productivity MultiplyMe®

By age 19, she had already begun her long tenure of entrepreneurship as a real estate investor, had started her first company, and bought a house before she could legally buy a beer. In the next 10 years, she graduated from numerous leadership academies, climbed the ladder as a top performer in the Financial and Telecom industry, started and built several businesses, and advised both U.S. and international corporations from start-up to billion-dollar businesses.

Today, she helps executives and entrepreneurs reach their next level by leveraging processes and habits she used in big business. April is an expert in growing revenue, sales, and operations, increasing productivity and helping others obtain BALANCE so they have time to enjoy the life they earned. With a true insider’s perspective, she knows what it takes to change your story, remove limiting beliefs, create high-performance habits, and teaches people how to add time into their schedules.

She is a former scientist, passionate adventurer, and has visited over 45 countries leading humanitarian teams. She loves pushing herself and has completed triathlons and endurance races despite having Lupus, which can be debilitating. Although she's a corporate badass, she is also a loving mother and wife. When she’s not in the boardroom or on the microphone, she can be found in the mountains camping with her family.

Organizations April has worked with